Posts byNick Dickinson

WASHNote is led by Nicolas Dickinson. He is an associate at IRC and has been supporting country-led monitoring and evaluation of water and sanitation services at national and district/municipal levels where government, civil society and private sector set the monitoring agenda and the questions to be answered. In addition, he has worked on providing training for decentralized data collection, data processing, and life-cycle costing. He evaluated mobile-enabled water, sanitation and energy services for the Mobiles for Development Utilities Innovation Fund as a Grant Panel member and supports the commissioning and procurement of technology for governments and the WASH sector. Along with his passion for the use of evidence, he worked on developing data exchange and technology standards (WPDx) and tools for service providers, governments, NGOs and financiers.

Country-led monitoring toolkit

WASHNote supported the creation of the country-led monitoring toolbox that was a developed under a partnership of UNICEF WCARO, IRC and Akvo with support of DGIS. It provides a systematic approach to develop national WASH M&E plans based on a participatory assessment of 12 components of national WASH M&E systems.

The country-led monitoring toolkit has tools that support a participatory process of evaluating the entire M&E system and developing an action plan based on participant recommendations.
The country-led monitoring toolkit has tools that support a participatory process of evaluating the entire M&E system and developing an action plan based on participant recommendations.

For reference, the national M&E asssessment and the draft monitoring plan from Sierra Leone are available here:

You can find a link to the dropbox with the tools here and we’ll update the link with links to the resource pages of IRC in due course:

This presentation provides some initial findings from the assessments and M&E plans in 8 countries:


AfricaSan is now five! And we are learning fast

This blog was jointly produced by John Butterworth (IRC Ethiopia Country Director) and Nick Dickinson (IRC Associate / WASHNote). It was posted on

AfricaSan5 just like a five-year old, reflects a sanitation and hygiene sector that is nowhere near mature, but is growing up fast and is full of ambition. And when you get to five, we know you have a good chance of going all the way in life and achieving great things. We need to grow up quickly to answer the call in the Camissa Statement, where the conference stakeholders “call upon Heads of State of the Africa Union to declare an Africa-wide state of emergency on sanitation and hygiene and to be sanitation and hygiene champions in their respective countries.”