Annual Report on Global Indicators for Sanitation and Water for All

Annually, Sanitation and Water for All (SWA) produces a report on progress in their partner countries, in line with the results framework. This year, we were asked to support in the analysis of the high-level outcomes, which include financial, political, and institutional indicators. We used secondary sources (e.g. GLAAS, OECD) as well as internal databases to perform analyses. The final report will also include status updates for intermediate outcomes and outputs.

On these high-level indicators, there were several notable improvements for SWA countries in 2022. The number of Nationally Determined Contributions of the Paris Agreement linked to SDG 6 were increased from 860 in 2020 to 1261 in 2022. Furthermore, the proportion of Mutual Accountability Mechanism (MAM) commitments achieved rose from ~4% in 2021 to ~9% in 2022. For data sources that are not updated annually (like GLAAS), we were unable to give an estimate of progress in 2022.

This project builds on previous work Nicolas did to develop the SWA country profiles (find an example here). The country profiles use data from a number of sources, including JMP, UNICEF, World Bank, UNDP, UNDRO, UNISDR, EMDAT, ND-GAIN, GLAAS, and others.

Keep an eye out: the SWA Annual Report is yet to be published on their website!

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